Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I actually contemplated calling in sick today because I was so tired and I didn't want to get up. I'm tired, hungry, cold, and stressed pretty much all the time unless I'm hot. Then I'm tired, hungry, stressed, and hot. I hate life pretty much all the time. I still have a cold.

I made a big dent in my to do list. By which I mean that I sent emails to profs at the final list of schools and updated my recommenders on where I'm actually applying. I feel like a spaz. All the time.

I also got emails from people saying "Are you dead? You haven't been updating your blog..." I hate the blog. I hate the blog a lot. Fuck you all and your expectations. I know I'm behind, but it's hard to write when there's so much other stuff that I should be doing all the time. And it's hard to make my not-very-interesting life in Russia sound fun and exciting or interesting, or maybe not even that. I've also been informed that the quality is slipping since I don't make fun of people as much anymore. Fuck you all. I don't make fun of people anymore because it's too much energy and effort to get worked up about stupid shit and stupid people. I've moved into the phase of, "Oh, [insert shitty situation here] sucks a lot. That's just how it is here. Okay, moving along to the next shitty situation..."

I know that's lame and boring to read about, but I'm sure that the grand Eastern European Adventure will bring more tales of stupid people. And remember kids, there's a new bunch of kids coming at the end of January for me to hate on. And I'll have a project like thesis, so I'll be extra cranky all the time. Yay!


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