Sunday, November 05, 2006

I woke up with a really bad cold. Not just the congested, stuffed head feeling, but the sore throat and the so much snot it should be illegal cold. I was alone again this morning so I went back to bed and slept most of the day. When I wasn't sleeping, I was re-inspired to read Gravity's Rainbow. I am now past halfway, which means that I will most absolutely finish. Or something. It's only taken me five months to get this far...

Unfortunately, I had to get up at some point because Laura was supposed to be coming over to spend the night. And here's why, because this is pretty excellent. She wasn't just spending the night because we were planning on going out and getting really drunk. It's because her hozyaika was planning on having her lover over and wanted Laura to leave. Just for the night, though. So in the interest of keeping everybody happy, Laura came over here. My hozyaika's reaction was actually pretty cool. She said, "Rita's not married? She has a lover over? Good for her!" I'm glad that I'm with such a liberal family.

Anyway, I went out for drinks with Laura and James. We stayed on Vaska (the island) and went to the same bistro that Meg and I went to before. They have very cheap beer, which makes me happy. At some point James said that I was a hard drinker, and I got a little offended. Maybe because Kris also said that I was a drinker. But that's okay. I'd rather be a drunk than a 32 year-old pot-head living with Mom. I made James explain, and his rationale was that it was a compliment: that he's seen me drink quite a lot, but he's never seen me be stupid drunk or totally out of control. And that may be true. I've been stupid drunk plenty of times, but usually only in very controlled situations (after lessons learned the hard way). Mostly, I don't feel like I'm actually that much of a drinker mostly because most of my friends drink just as much if not more than I do, and also because I drink way less here than I do at home. It's also a little touchy because Grandpa's a hard-core boozer. I love my tolerance, but I don't love those genes.

Enough meditations on the black state of my soul. We eventually packed it up because the metro was going to close and as much fun as the drunk walk home was with Meg, I wasn't quite up for it with Laura. I wanted some more decongestants like whoa and then to pass the fuck out. Which was pretty much what I did. And it was excellent.


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