Saturday, October 28, 2006

So at some point in the morning when my phone beeps, I remember that I said that I was going to meet Reid and Candice and go costume shopping with them. This seems like a bad idea, especially since the time that I will have to leave the house is quickly approaching and it's still early and it's Saturday. So I pass on going costume shopping and go back to sleep.

This is pretty much all I did all day. Well, that's a lie. I did some laundry because just about everything I owned was dirty. And I read Pride and Prejudice. Not the whole thing, but I'm working on it. This is harder than it sounds because I'm reading it in Russian. It makes me feel cool. And no, I don't understand all of it, but I understand enough. It's also easier when you've read it in English and seen the movies probably eight hundred times.

Then Anton, the grandson, came over. I had planned on a super quiet Saturday night, skipping the Halloween party at the American ygol in favor of tea and making myself feel smarter by reading in Russian. But plans were derailed slightly by the arrival of an eight year old. He's blond, and actually reminds me a lot of Nate, one of the kids that I used to teach swimming to, except that Anton's older, Russian, and not autistic. Right. Anyway. He's a sweet kid, and kinda shy. He got out all the electric trains and built a pretty elaborate track set-up. I was actually a little glad that he came because Lydia Borisovna made blini, which she doesn't normally do. Yay blini. The best Russian food ever, other than fried pelmeni.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if you want a good tea do this: heat about a mug of milk in a pan on the stove with about 7 crushed cardamom pods (can you buy those in Russia?) in it until it just boils. Then turn down the heat for another minute or so and serve. Yummy.

6:35 PM  

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