The heat is not yet on at school, and it's now significantly colder inside the building than outside. Especially since the temperature has changed from 0ºC on Sunday to +13ºC today. Anyway, it's not quite so cold that you can see your breath inside, but so cold that your toes get numb if you sit too long without fidgeting.
I can't remember what else I was supposed to talk about today.
Oh yeah. When I came back from Kazan, a fridge had joined the bathtub and radiator in the "defunct junk" pile outside the elevator on the first floor. Today when I came back from school, the fridge had disappeared, but the tub and radiator were still there.
I also figured out what the strange thing in the kitchen is. It's a chainaya grip. This requires a little explanation, because this strange thing has been sitting in the kitchen for a while, but I totally didn't understand the explanation the first time around. So basically, there's this big jar with some bacteria swimming around in a tea and sugar mixture with some cheesecloth over the top. The bacteria grows into a jellyfish-like layer/creature, I'm still not quite clear which, and lives on the top of the tea mixture. You feed it sweet tea and it eats the sugar and makes the tea sour. Then, when the jellyfish gets to a certain thickness, you drink the tea. This is supposed to make you not get sick. As Rob said, it's basically jellyfish poop. And yes, I plan on drinking this vile concoction when it's ready. It sounds super gross, and it's just about gross enough that I couldn't possibly pass up a chance to find out exactly how gross it is.

Ew. Jellyfish.
I can't remember what else I was supposed to talk about today.
Oh yeah. When I came back from Kazan, a fridge had joined the bathtub and radiator in the "defunct junk" pile outside the elevator on the first floor. Today when I came back from school, the fridge had disappeared, but the tub and radiator were still there.
I also figured out what the strange thing in the kitchen is. It's a chainaya grip. This requires a little explanation, because this strange thing has been sitting in the kitchen for a while, but I totally didn't understand the explanation the first time around. So basically, there's this big jar with some bacteria swimming around in a tea and sugar mixture with some cheesecloth over the top. The bacteria grows into a jellyfish-like layer/creature, I'm still not quite clear which, and lives on the top of the tea mixture. You feed it sweet tea and it eats the sugar and makes the tea sour. Then, when the jellyfish gets to a certain thickness, you drink the tea. This is supposed to make you not get sick. As Rob said, it's basically jellyfish poop. And yes, I plan on drinking this vile concoction when it's ready. It sounds super gross, and it's just about gross enough that I couldn't possibly pass up a chance to find out exactly how gross it is.

Ew. Jellyfish.
чайчая грип(ь?). hopefully that doesn't come up as all question marks. that is most excellent, but also mildly scary. all of the words that i could use to describe it are a bit much, so i won't because i totally want you to try it. hopefully, it will be ready soon. i am just starting this batch of entries, and am so glad they are back.
You know, that looks like the slime layer that I couldn't kill with bleach from my nasty, few-months old cell culture liquid waste...I couldn't even puncture it with a razor!
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