Thursday, October 26, 2006

The heat is on at school. This is so great. It's still not on a lot, but it's actually kind of warm in the classrooms now. I can now study without wearing my coat, scarf, hat, and gloves. Rock on!

I still have insomnia. This sucks. I'm tired and cranky all the time. It also made me really not want to go and meet my new tutor. But I did. Even though I was tired and cranky and just wanted to go home. She seems pretty cool. She's a good friend of Lena's and is a journalism major and trying to decide what field she wants to go into after she graduates. She is also cool because she rides a bicycle in Petersburg. She rides without a helmet, so I'm sure she's going to be killed. I'm not sure if that makes her cool or not, though. She has a super-awesome mullet. It's really long in back.

I think the only other thing that I did today of note was talk to Rob for a long time. And that's probably not really noteworthy to anybody except me. That was good. I'll spare everyone from having to read about it, and spare myself the embarrassment.

Although I did learn that I should maybe be slightly more circumspect about what type of personal information I post on here, because all kinds of people I never expected actually do read this. Like my boss. (Hi Sue!) And the dude I mentioned a few entries back who I thought didn't read my blog. Well, I don't know if he actually reads it, but he at least looks at it. Along with creepy people on the internet that I don't know at all. Anyway, I'm debating making an end to personal information, but really, what's the point of having a blog if you're not oversharing?


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