Thursday, April 19, 2007

I really don't know why I'm writing this, because I don't have any fantastic news or funny stories. Or even major complaints. Life is just... I dunno... life. Pretty much as usual. Except of course more funky. Because it's Russia.

Today in Stylistics class, we learned that slang for the word "super" is "super-pooper." I have never heard anyone use this, nor will I use it. However, it's an interesting and entertaining point of "fact." Also in Stylistics, we're learning how to swear like sailors, although without any actual practice, and without the teacher actually saying any of the words out loud. And she won't even write the full words out on the board. So lame. Luckily I have Russian friends to practice with.

We're going to the resort town of Sochi next week. I'm hoping it'll be warm and beautiful and I can lay on the beach, which means that it will probably be cold and rainy all week. That's it.

Hang tight, kids. It's almost the end!


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